[CH] The Bread

YODA (yoda@clark.net)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 13:50:59 -0500 (EST)

Got a piece in the mail yesterday from one of the mid-atlantic hotlucks.
I trimmed the green fuzz from off the one side and sliced off a thin
piece (about 2x3x0.3 inches) and popped it into my mouth.

Very nice heat, too much heat to really taste the V8, molasses, and
the whole wheat flour.  The aroma is wonderful.  You can feel the heat
from the mouth clear down to your stomach. The forehead sweats, but I did
n't get the under the eye sweat like from sampling the Red Hab powder
direct from a demi-tasse spoon.  Wife took a small bite and said 
"too hot, no flavor, just painful hot", but what does one expect from a
professional chef.  

She promised to try her own hand at a Hab bread, that she says will be
brutally hot and have flavor too.


Jim W     My opinions are just that, not my wife's or my employer's
!!Do not assume that your freedoms are assured!! The truth is out there!
  Brew and let Brew... Homebrewing is fun. For a Hot Time -- Eat Chiles.