[CH] Cats, Calvin etc.

Jonathan T. Smillie (jsmillie@protix.com)
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 15:57:46 -0600

Thanks to all who responded to the cat question. The Dracaena will be getting a 

dosage of Cholula-and-water this evening. BTW, I have already ascertained from

previous experience that this cat is not a chile-head - although his brother is. So 

I may alleviate one plant-chomping kitty problem and create another... 

Two other things: 

1) I received my package of Calvin's powder, but have been traveling for business 

ever since- just got back Sunday. So I haven't had a chance to use it in cooking yet- 

but based on the little taste I got on a moistened fingertip, it'll be a great addition

to just about anything- lovely complex flavor, a good solid, relatively long heat. 

More details from the Test Kitchen as they transpire... 

2) On the Powder-versus-Salsa etiquette question: I don't think the two approaches 

can possibly be compared. Calvin offered free samples of an as-yet non-commercial

product of his own creation to a constituency whose reaction would be a major part 

of his decision in pursuing it, and received voluntary cooperation. That's a lot different 

than subscribing to a list for the purpose of marketing a pre-packaged product to its 

members- and soliciting not just their orders but their connivance in marketing it. John 

Zemek claimed that having seen "cats, cookbooks, and telephone rates" he didn't 

think it wrong to post his message. Unfortunately, none of the cat, cookbook or 

telephone rate messages were selling anything... 


I'll be in St. Paul, MN, from the 9th through the 11th of February, working at the Ordway 

Music Theatre. Any recommendations for good places to get some of our list's trademark 





<bold>Conservative</bold>, <italic>n.</italic> A statesman who is
enamored of existing

evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to 

replace them with others.

- Ambrose Bierce, <italic>The Devil's Dictionary</italic>