Re: [CH] crushed peppers

Hobby Farmer (
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 05:12:19 -0500

Anton Schoenbacher wrote:

> When you make crushed pepper flakes, how do you crush them. <<snip>>

I break up the peppers - make sure they are really dry, maybe a last
minute ride in your oven - into a blender and whiz 'em up.  Sometimes I
have to shake the blender jar around a bit to introduce everyone to the
blades.  The dust that rises out of that blender can be brutal.  In my
case, I do this operation on the porch and use extreme caution when
sniffing the powder.  Ya, I did it the first time in the kitchen and then
took a big sniff out of the blender.  It was December and we opened the
windows....  When  we want a real fine powder, we run it through a seive
and re-whiz the stuff left in the seive with a bit of the powder.

Hobby Farmer