Re: [CH] Pronounciation

Calvin Donaghey (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 08:13:38 -0600 wrote:
> First off, I don't remember "Arguing" 'bout anything... I find this list
> entertaining and informative and downright  FUN.  I got the impression that we
> were having a civilized discussion (and perhaps, disagreement... ) about a
> subject.  Sorry if we offended.  I think most of us are aware that most
> "languages" have many dialects... We offered what we believed were the "best"
> pronounciations for specific words.  I like to learn about many things
> (languages are a special passion) and I want people to help me to improve my
> pronounciation.
> imho (and yes, I have an opinion about EVERYTHING!),
> peg e

	BRAVO!  There are two freedoms in a democratic society that go hand in
hand.  One is the right to form an opinion about any subject.  The
second is the right we grant to others to disagree and form their own
opinions.  The essence of communication is to be able to make sense out
of what another person says, and for another to make sense out of what I
say, even if they don't say it like I do.
