[CH] cool place in Atlanta

Suzanne (suz@avana.net)
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 23:36:34 -0500

Just in case anyone makes it down here to my town....I went to a great
place this evening recommended by Jim Tidwell.  First place I have ever
been where they ask you to wear rubber gloves to eat their spiciest wings!
 I didn't have wings tonight though, had the "hall of flame" etoufee in
honor of Mardi Gras.  Will go back soon and let ya'll know if the wings
warrant gloves.  Anyway, the place is called Feeders and its in Buckhead.
The sell their table sauce as well.  Tasty stuff with a good kick.


...if that which thou seek thou find not within thee, thou will never find
it without thee." 