Re: [CH] I guess I should say thanks ??? Perplexed

Steve Taylor (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 16:57:59 +1200


It's very strange, I just recieved the same message.  What's goin on?

>I just got mail from the list server bot :
>It has been requested that I be unsubscribed from the list.  
>I didn't expect that someone here would generate a bot request with
>my email address in it, kinda nice that the bot confirms back to the
>request address, not the sending address.

ADDRESS:  Steve Taylor   -   Producer   -   Terabyte Interactive
COURIER:  Level 6, 235 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand     
MAIL:     PO Box 99250, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
TEL:   + 64 9 522-0914         EMAIL 1:
FAX:   + 64 9 522-0925         EMAIL 2:
HOME:  + 64 9 529-1964         URL: