[CH] PB and C ?

Schoenbacher, Anton (Anton.Schoenbacher@wwireless.com)
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 11:35:56 -0700

I'm sitting here eating my peanut butter and chile sandwhich (its
lunch time).  I grew these really sweet peppers (they are some
strange hybrid, called apple pepper) I didn't know exactly what
to do with them (they arn't hot at all) so last nigth when I was making
my lunch I thought PB&C might work, I was right.  Peanut butter
chile's and some of calvin's powder really did the trick.  Now I
understand the WHY in the question I get asked alot -> Why do
you grow peppers in your apartment ?.  Well, when I'm eating the
peppers I grew, they are the best pepper's...period ! (Sorry you
other chile growers, but I'm sure you understand)

Just blabbering, sorry.

Anton Schoenbacher   Programmer/Analyst    Western Wireless Corp.
anton.schoenbacher@wwireless.com              425-313-7040