[CH] Viability of dehyrated chilis' seeds; greenhouses

Mon, 26 Oct 98 09:05:45 EST

          We've tried seeds from various dehydrated chilis with mixed success;
it probably depends on the heat  level of the particular dehydrator.  I managed
 to sprout some seed from a year-old ristra once.   But for our own seed we let
 the fruit ripen on the plant; when harvested I slice off the sides of the pod
& air-dry the 'remains' on newspaper indoors for 2 weeks, then pull the seeds
off the dried placenta, seal in plastic bags, & freeze.  In general I'd say
that a dehydrator is likely to be too warm [at least in spots] for the seeds.
          We have an inexpensive greenhouse to get us through  the  colder
months; it isn't always needed herein n-c Florida.  Ours has steel arches
covered with heavy-duty polyethylene that is treated to make it ultraviolet-
resistant.  Make sure of this feature, or use vinyl---regular polyeth ["Vis-
queen"] breaks down in sunlight!  The other caution is to anchor any greenhouse
 to the ground---we returned from an out-of-town trip to find the greenhouse
apparently missing & finally discovered it partially dismantled behind the barn
 where a high wind had deposited it.
                                                 Gene Dunnam
                                                 Gator Slde Farm
                                                 Micanopy, FL