[CH] Surprise Package

J.D.Scudder (supervisor@scudder.sbceo.k12.ca.us)
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 08:58:18 -0800

I had a late lunch yesterday in the cafeteria here at work.  Mad Max the
Warehouse Guy was sitting across the table and noticed the baggie of
assorted chiles I brought out with my lunch.  After a bit of chile talk he
told me he had four chile plants he had been growing as ornamentals for the
last two years. He said he had attempted eating one of them last year, but
they were much too hot.  He asked me if I thought I could identify them.
Opportunist that I am, I offered to give it a shot, IF he would bring me a
couple.  This morning MMtWG brought me in a bag of seven big, red,
beautiful Rocotos!  I have some young Rocotos that I started from seed
(thanks, Lynn), but they are a long way from bearing any fruit, so you can
imagine my excitement.  I told Max that, if his plants became to
"cluttered" with chiles, I would be more than happy to help out.  Looks
like I'll be having Rocotos with lunch today.

In Chiles,


* For the sake of tolerance do we tolerate the intolerable? *