Re: [CH] chile

Suzanne (
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 09:24:41 -0500

I sent that kid a note last night explaining why he probably got the "D"
and the real purpose of the url and such.  I think it was just a kind of
simple chile who tried to get the project done with minimal effort - I also
think (I know, trying not to strain anything here) that little person did
not join the list but simply wrote to this address thinking it was the
page-owner. Oh well, takes all types ya know?
	On topic - avoided the first freeze of the year once again last night and
the chiles are hanging in out there...not producing, but hanging in there.
It will be very interesting to see how the plants do if we have a mild
winter.  The tomatoes and eggplant are still holding on as well.
