[CH] Re: Pruning

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 19:52:59 -0500

JMA wrote,

>I have a several chile plants that did very well this year, that I've dug up
>and placed in pots now that its getting cooler. I've read in several places
>that one can prune back a chile plant in the winter and it will revive itself
>in the spring. I'm a novice when it comes to gardening and was wondering, how
>much do you prune back? A lot? A little? Is there anything else I need to know
>about this practice?

I've done the same. I basically took a few inches off each branch. One
thing that was stressed to me is that you must not overwater your
housebound chile plants. In fact, you should wait until they're practically
wilting before you give them any water!

I've got mine sitting under a grow-light, and I'm basically starving them
as per the aforementioned instructions, and they're actually flowering!
Whether these flowers have any intention of turning into peppers or not I
have no idea. If the plants make it through the winter until it's warm
enough to transplant them back into my garden, I'll be happy.


Alexandra Soltow


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I seek what they sought. - Basho