[CH] CH Sigl

Ernst Sigl (sigl@intekom.co.za)
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:21:33 +0200

>J. B. Cattley Wrote :-
>GADZOOKS!  First tofu, now cilantro....What is next that you hate with
>And I am a little curious to know how you were able to taste the
>grade disinfectant/deodorant that is used in garbage rooms???Did you
hold your
>nose when you tasted it? How about all the folk out there who REALLY
>Dave's singed cat sauce? Seriously....cilantro is one of the GREAT
herbs of
>this world, and has been used for centuries by the folk in Asia, as
well as
>Mexico, possibly one of the reasons it is called chinese parsley, so I
>that the greater percentage of the world think that it tastes just
>Cheers, Doug in BC(and so do I)

Hi , I don't often write and I am sorry to to respond so late. I have
been away
 in the 'bush' tracking immunisations practice in South Africa. In some
instances it took 1 1/2 to 2 hours to cover 18 Km on rock tracks with a
4X4  -- The
above statement worries me. I am sure most people must realise that
freedom of speech is important. So let every person say his/her say
without jumping down their throuts. But now I will add that this works
bothways. It is a sad day that serious conflict hits list. CH is great
and ALL please keep it that way. You all have no idea how I look faward
to read CH  Emails when I get back to 'Civilisation'

Thanks All

Ernst Sigl  - Pharmacist, Training Division, KZNPA
Email : sigl@intekom.co.za     http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kzntl