[CH] The Bread

Suz (socalsuz@earthlink.net)
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 19:58:55 -0800

The little yellow slip from the postman was delivered Saturday.  Parcel too
large for mailbox.  From Mild to Wild.  I was ecstatic!  But too late to
pick it up.

Sooooo, today, Monday morning, got in the PO line behind at least 30 others.
Late to work by 31 minutes, but no way was I going to let that piece of
bread sit in that PO any longer.

Clocked in at office, ripped open box, and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  There it was.
Delicious golden hunks of bread.  HOT bread!!  Took a small sample, gave
co-worker same.  We were on fire and loving it.  The heat intensified.
Co-worker went for water, while I laughed and poured more cream in the
coffee.  Another co-worker appeared and had a small hunk.  He's a Dave's
(insanity) lover and loved this bread as much as I.  Had to find a baggy and
give him some portions for him to take home.  Another co-worker wouldn't
touch it until late this afternoon, and all he said was "too hot".   We
pieced on this all day, a little at a time.  Nice way to get through a

This is GOOD stuff!!!  Thank you Jim!!!

Carol, in Apple Valley, I'll try to save you a piece for our next lunch!


     ("`-'-/").___..--''"`-._           Suz,
      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  aka
      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   the katj
    _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'