[CH] enough about hangovers!

Suzanne (suz@avana.net)
Tue, 08 Dec 1998 23:20:34 -0500

Okay everyone...I am definitely not the typical list-police type person,
but I think we have gone on enough about hangovers....especially since the
majority of the posts contain absolutely no pepper-related information.  So
how about if you'd like to share your hangover tales/cures also include
some chile stuff?
	To follow along this path, it is finally supposed to drop below 70F here
in Atl so the containers with the infamous bolivain rainbow peppers are
coming inside.  Some of the peppers are actually drying on the plant.  I
figure I'll pick off the dried ones and  maybe all the others in an attempt
to decrease the stress on the plant.  I have a scotch bonnet and a hab that
have been inside (too lazy to move them when it warmed up weeks ago) and
are forming nice new growth.  They get some afternoon sunshine and there is
a cheapie grow light hooked into a lamp.  That is mostly for my topiaries,
but the peppers get some light from it as well.
	that's it for now,