Re: [CH] My 3 day chili....

Dave Sacerdote (
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 10:43:38 -0500

>Gee, with all respect, this is the chilehead list, not just the super-
>habanero-head list.  And IMH but probably not isolated O, just because
>someone's recipe isn't to ultra-hot tastes doesn't mean it doesn't
>belong here.  

I hear ya - but that's why I asked what kind of chile powder she used.
It's only been in the past year or so that I have heard El Grande's song,
and the recipe given was very similar to those I used to make in my
deafness.  :-)

So, I was thinking that maybe she grabbed a bottle of, say, Durkee
crushed red pepper and added a third of a cup of that by mistake.  Or
perhaps a third of a cup of ground cayenne pepper mistakenly got
substituted for the chile powder (who among us can say THAT wouldn't
be firey? <g>)

No insult or offense intended, just a desire to help her make a pot
of red that she'd be able to eat.

Dave Sacerdote
"I am so mighty, I do not have to kill you all."  -- Flaming Carrot
Resist or Serve.