[CH] Rendered Reindeer

Jose Cisneros (jcisn@novagate.com)
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:08:10 -0500

Hey  Yawl,

Well shoot! Now I really DO want a bit of reindeer!
I mean WOW! Thai-reindeer-texmex stir fry. Reindeer
tamales, Reindeer-racecar-chilli.
I've never had elk. Of course I've never had guinea pig either.
Guinea pig stuffed with cedar chips and cilantro, dusted with
a southern rub made with ancho, Chile negro, cumin, black pepper,
paprika, brown sugar and salt.
This might work. Where was I? Oh yes, Reindeer.

I have had antelope. (pronghorn) very very good on the grill., mild taste.
Green salad, potato, white wine. That italian stuff, pinot what's his name, or
some zin.
No really, zin is nice. Trust me.
Which reminds me (us) as the case may be.
I ain't had no mexican antelope (goat) (better yet kid) in a looooong time.
A little gamey but so is feta.
(Any one ever milk a goat?)
Makes great tacos. :- ) The mexican antelope that is. Red wine for this.
Living up here in el Norte as I do (Michigan), I make do wit de next
available sub.
Australian Antelope (sheep) lamb shank in my case. tasty.
Corn tortilla fried crisp. Beans and all the rest.
And thin slices of grilled (barbecued) lamb shank.
I'm dying.
Or how bout this?
Thin slices of reindeer stir fried.
Refried beans.
Chopped shallots, ginger, chillies, cilantro
Wrapped in an egg roll wrapper, deep fried.
Chinese Chicano Reindeer Egg Rools.

Cereally, thanks for the replies.

I'm getting hungry.

