[CH] 1999 Web Site

Celeste or Dave Anderson (chilehed1@powernet.net)
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:12:52 +0000

Dear Chile-heads,

While you're enjoying your holiday weekend, please take a few minutes 
to check out my web site. I've added several new pepper varieties 
including 3 new Habaneros, and with your help during one of my 
mini-market surveys, I now have sample packets of ground Chiles 
including: Chipotle, Red Savina Habanero and Apple Smoked Red Savina.
These three were grown and processed by Jim (the elder) Campbell.

Don't be surprised if you find some broken links. I'll be working to 
clean up the site during the next few days.

Thanks and happy holidays.

Dave Anderson
Tough Love Chile Co.