[CH] Fired up poppers

Chet Bacon (hcbacon@connix.com)
Sun, 03 Jan 1999 15:02:33 -0500

As it is raining to beat the band here in the Northeast and I am bored
so it is off to cook up something to warm up by..  here is the something
to break the boredom and add a surprising amount of heat to the kitchen.

Jalapeņo and Santa Fe Grande poppers fired up

3-6 habaneros or more depending on how fired up you want things..
12-18 Jalapeņo
12-18 Santa Fe Grande yellows
1 pkg philly cheese
1 pkg Mascarpone cheese (BelGioioso is a good brand)
1 pkg of 6 cheese Zesty Mex (Sargento) for us lazy folks or grate-up
whatever you got kicking around
1  lb Monterey Jack w/Jalapeņo
1  lb of feta cheese
1 container of sour cream for dipping

I put the habs into the food processor - steel blade (no deep breathing)
- chop them up very fine unless you like surprises.
Grate the monterey jack and add the rest of the cheeses to the
processor.. mix well - this is your stuffing.

Cut the Jalapeņo and Santa Fe Grande yellows in half - de-seed
leave the stems on - if you are careful you can cut these in half as
well - they will be you handles for dipping
leave in the veins for more heat..

Stuff the halves with cheese - hab mix

(method 1)
Take 2-4 eggs and scramble
cover the bottom of a dinner plate with Italian Bread crumbs
dip the stuffed peppers into the egg wash then cover with bread crumbs
bake in a 325 oven until cheese melts abt 20 minutes
dip and eat!

(method 2)
take a package of pasta wrappers (azumaya is great)
make a triangle out of each wrapper by cutting diagonally
wrap the stuffed pepper stems toward top (widest) part of triangle
water helps to make the edges stick together
wrap them up like a baby in a blanket and bake till light brown
dip and eat!

* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
* PO Box 284              |         "stop payment" on my          *
* Southington, CT 06489   |             reality check?            *
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