Re: [CH] oh NOOO...!

Joe Ferguson (
Sun, 3 Jan 1999 19:19:20 -0500 (EST)

Man, do that sound good!

I did survive the 'raw Hab test' on New Year's Eve.  A little pain, a LOT
of heat.  My 13-year-old saw my eyes watering and thought it would be cool
to take a bite of a raw hab just like me...he was in the bathroom within 3
minutes, losing what dinner he had gotten through already.  He was doing
pretty good until then, though!

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On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Kristofer Blennow wrote:

> Am I becoming an industrial strength chile head...??
> Finally managed to make some naturally fermented habs... just habs, 
> salt, a few drops of water... and a little fermenting kimchi.
> I am snacking on it! Very hot, but no pain.
> So what is there left.... only red savinas? And I can't get those 
> here...  :~(
> Kristofer   /hoping that the fermentation made it milder... raw hab
>              test tomorrow...