Re: [CH] Fermented Mash Sauce Questions

Steve (
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 18:17:44 -0500

I have a hale gallon jar of hab mash (freminting?) which had grown some
white stuff on top surface only after about a week. I scraped it all off,
added more salt and heated it to kill any bad guys. The salt contration is
more than 20%. I added no water to the mash just salt. The white stuff came
back in a few days. There has been no noticable fizzing of bubbles
gererated science August when I started it. Should'nt there be noticable
gas release during the fermation process?

> Notwithstanding, my tabasco mash with 18% NaCl is growing a white mould.
> Does anyone know if there are any potentially dangerous moulds (to humans)
> which can tolerate these conditions? (If there are any mycologists on the
> list I could provide pictures at any useful magnification.)

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