Re: [CH] Hab Surplus?

The Adair's (
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 20:14:46 -0800

Thanks Steve.

Mine are all done now. I didn't figure out about stemming them 
before I smoked them but I'll definately do that next time (believe 
me there will be a next time).  Also the tip on freezing them makes 
sense and answers a question another person posted.

A couple of questions: Do you apply smoke for the entire 12 
hours?  I only applied smoke for 3 hours and finished them off in 
the dehydrator.  Had to do it that way because it's below zero here 
and I don't think my smoker will reach the heat range you suggest.  
Also, what's your favorite wood for smoking peppers?


> We smoke a lot of pepper each year and have tried several methods. Cutting
> the Chiles in half does give them a little more smoke flavor and also
> speeds the drying process but take a lot of time to prepare. The method we
> have settled on is first wash, let dry, then we stem the Chiles we intent
> to grind to powder or flake (its much easier to remove them before drying),
> others we leave the stems on, slit each pod with a razor top to bottom
> (razor or sharp knife is mounted on a heavy board so you can slide the
> Chile over it with one hand to make the cut, this speed production), put in
> freezer over night to brake cell structure for better drying, smoke at a
> temperature of 100F to 150F for about 12 hours. This method saves a lot of
> time (takes 2 children about 10 minuets to prep a bushel) and, if care is
> taken, no "HOT HANDS" from the Chile juice.
> >I have a dehydrator and a smoker.  I was planning to dry some whole
> >for later use in jerk paste.  I've never smoked peppers before but
> >all the references on the list about smoked hab powder have me
> >wanting to try my hand at it.  Should they be smoked whole or should
> >I slice them in half (more surface exposed to the smoke?).  Anyone
> >have any suggestions?
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