[CH] Apology

Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:04:55 EST

To my new friends, particularly the offended:
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.  My error.  I do apologize sincerely.
The "squeeze a fruit" caucus of celebs in the Boston Common was a story
intended as an answer for an earlier comment by another.  I meant to send it
only to him, not to the whole list.  I'll be more careful in the future.
However, I must admit to more than a little dismay at responses calling all
non-pc (purely chile) threads "stupid" and other name calling and invective.  
"Torquemada" which I did send to all, on purpose, was another attempt at
joking (well, it couldn't have been, because joking is normally followed by
laughter) that must have been seen as another "stupid" thread. 
I quite agree that political and other commentary belongs elsewhere, but when
someone puts his/her foot in "it," no one should respond?  For my part, all
responses to personal agenda items will be addressed offlist.  
Finally, though I accept responsibility for broadcasting the Boston Common
story inadvertently, I'm concerned about a chilling effect on information
(because of the "keep it PC remarks") about which beers best "put out the
fire,"  fermentation, and other "home brew" items which I've found interesting
and (sometimes) entertaining.
If you care to respond to this, please do so offlist.
Gareth the ChileKnight