Re: [CH] Pheasant (+ new recipe for char)

T (
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 23:54:03 +0100

>I've got myself a nice plump little hen pheasant for our dinner on
>Sunday evening. Has anyone got a good CH recipe?

No, but in the same vein, does anyone have a CH recipe for fois-gras?  I
thought of it tonight as I used up the last of the 1.7 kg liver I bought
last week,  but didn't want to experiment on the last few pieces.

I made a nice sauce for fried char (similar to trout, but red fleshed) last

Fry some chopped scoth bonnets and some shallots (or onion + garlic) until
soft.  Add about a cup of white wine (1/4 cup at a time) until reduced.
Thicken with nobs of butter.  Goes great with the fish.
