[CH] beneficial insects

margaret lauterbach (mlaute@micron.net)
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 08:26:14 -0700

There are many ways to manage insects without spraying hell out of your
garden with this pesticide and that one.  Encourage beneficial insects by
planting plants such as parsley (that won't flower for another year, but
you'll have it ready for them next year), dill, fennel, etc.  You can
manage in a few years' time to use almost no pesticide in your garden if
you let beneficial insects do the work for you.  Byron is very quick on the
trigger with the most toxic insecticides he can lay his hands on, and has
created a lifeless zone for his garden.  Only the super insects now survive.  

Until your beneficial insect population builds up, control your aphids with
water.  Spritz them off with a water-filled water pistol, if necessary.  I
don't have any trouble with chiles and insects once they're outside.
Inside is another matter.  Margaret