[CH] FWD: Upper Midwest Regional Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference

Michael Bowers (bowers@elsie.ucdavis.edu)
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:48:28 PST

From: "Nels Peterson" <npeterso@ndsuext.nodak.edu>
Organization: North Dakota State University

Fellow hot food lovers,

The 1999 Upper Midwest Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference will be 
February 4, 5, & 6, 1999 at the St. Cloud Civic Center, St Cloud 

Sessions include:
Pumpkins, Squash and Gourds          New Grower Orientation
Strawberry Production                       Irrigation Management
Biological Controls                             Extending the Season  
Rhubarb Marketing and Production   Alternative Crops
Direct Marketing                                Sweet Corn 
Tomato and Peppers

I realize this is for commercial growers, and not a lot on chiles, 
but there is a lot of good information for any gardener.  It is a 
chance to make some contacts with  commercial suppliers - for those 
people that are interested in producing commercially or those that 
are considering processing and packaging a product.  Besides that - 
commercial supplies are usually priced less than at retail outlets.

This conference is sponsored by the Minnesota Fruit and Vegetable 
Growers Association in cooperation with the University of Minnesota 
Extension Service, Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the North 
Dakota State University Extension Service.  I will be helping Dave 
Kraenzel with the NDSU Extension Service with the new grower 
orientation and will make a presentation  on challenges of Pepper and 
Toamto Production in Northeast North Dakota.  If you have a chance to 
attend look us up.  We'll be talkin' peppers!

Nels in ND