Re: [CH] cats

Dave Sacerdote (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 20:22:52 -0500 (EST)

> How about
>getting some catnip seeds and sprouting that? Bet they'll have
>no interest in your seedlings once they've got their own! Let
>us all know what works :)

If you do plant catnip seeds, the cats will tend to ignore it as it
grows, at least until you bruise a few of the leaves and let them 
get a whiff of it.  There's an old saying about catnip:  "If you sow
it, the cats won't know it, If you set it, the cats will get it." <g>

The foil is a good idea; another is to put your seedlings on upturned
mirror.  Most animals will not walk on a mirrored surface because of 
the illusion of "depth".

Another tip I have heard (but not tested):  Get some plastic forks,
break off the handles, and set them tines up in your flats.  The cats
won't walk on the "spikes" sticking out of the soil.  No warantee on 
*that* one, though. <g>
Dave Sacerdote
Resist or Serve.
"I am so mighty, I do not have to kill you all."  -- Flaming Carrot
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