Fwd: [CH] Re: was Feral D

Rain (rain@wwbbs.otherside.com)
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 22:52:00 GMT

><< Drowning is not painful, and is a relatively quick and merciful way to
> kill them.  What evidence do you have that it is cruel? >>
Having almost done it once and having since talked to other survivors,
I can give you evience.  Breathing water, especially but not only if
chlorinated or salty, feels almost exactly like sucking fire into your
lungs and having your chest squeezed in a huge vise at the same time.
Then all your muscles go into hard cramp just before you lose
consciousness, and you can't see or hear.  And throughout all this,
the panic is beyond anything you've ever felt.
All that stuff about how peaceful and easy it is is pure fiction.
So it's not something I'd do to an animal, given a choice.
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