[CH] Radio chilli

Andrew Healy (a.healy@surrey.ac.uk)
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 08:52:42 +0000

Heard a good radio advert today [can't remember what for, but, liked it].
Stephen Fry proclaims the use of a chest poultice [medical wrap], made of
"raw onions, mustard, red chilli powder, chilli sauce and a little dry
chilli".  He then marvels at the effect of these chillis, but, warns,
"Apply this mix over your chest, after a bath- but, be careful not to get
any on your *OH MY GOD !!*.....".

Hunan Hand strikes again......

Ho Ho Ho

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy