[CH] Updated website

Celeste or Dave Anderson (Gtoughchile@mail.greatbasin.net)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:24:19 +0000

A few months ago, I ran a little marketing survey regarding secure 
internet ordering. Thanks to all of you who responded. The results 
were interesting. About half of you had ordered something over the 
internet. Most had no idea if they ordered from a secure site or not. 
No one had a problem with credit card fraud although some reported 
really lousy service.

The other half who had never ordered any thing all stated that they 
would not order anything unless they could order from a secure site.
This caused me to start looking into secure ordering, and after a lot 
of grief and effort, including changing Internet Providers, I have a 
secure ordering form. I have also added two images to the web site. 
One is of a Scotch Bonnet and the other is a Caribbean Red Habanero.

Please take a look at the site and try the order form. You don't have 
to buy anything, but a note on how your computer tells you that a 
secure transaction is taking place would be interesting.

The Order Form is at: http://www.tough-love.com/secure.html

The Scotch Bonnet is at: http://www.tough-love.com/scotch.html and 
includes a link to Jim Campbell the elder's web site.

The Caribbean Red is at: http://www.tough-love.com/caribred.html

Please take a look and let me know what you think. Information on 
screw-ups is much appreciated.

Dave Anderson
Tough Love Chile Co.
e-mail Chilehead@tough-love.com