[CH] Macaroni cheese

Andrew Healy (a.healy@surrey.ac.uk)
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 11:10:40 +0000

Have found a good variant upon a standard MC recipe - it was well
appreciated, last night. 

1.	Use 'radiatore' type pasta as macaroni is too pliable.
3.	For a 'piquant sauce' add 1 desse4rtspoon of Blend 57, a standard chilli
sauce, and chives, to taste.
3.	Rehydrate a few chipotles and shred them into a pudding bowl, mix with
an entire garlic section (crushed).
4.	When the MC is cooked, pour onto your chipotles and garlic and mix.
5.	Stuff your face stupid and watch your missus doing likewise.

Will have to try straight hab's but cannot foresee this being improved on.

With a satisfied <belch !>

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy