Re: [CH] chile prices, etc.

Dave Sacerdote (
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 11:02:53 -0500 (EST)

>Checker: I'll charge you $1.99/lb. under "assorted peppers".
>Me: OK.

LOL, that is what useta happen to me all the time, but now the 
markets that sell hot peppers have all wised up.  

They used to price peppers based on who knows what kind of system.
Habs were around $6/pound, jalapenos were in the $2 range, others were
whatever the market could bear.  Then they smartened up and they have
all the hot peppers in one big area, each type of pepper in it's own 
(usually mislabelled) bin, and all of them marked "Assorted hot peppers"
for $2.99/pound.

That's great for the guys like me who buy the habbies and caribes that
used to be six bucks a pound.  Lousy for the poor folks who were buying
green chiles and jalapenos for $1.99, but that's how they managed to 
quit getting snookered on the expensive ones.

Every now and then, though, I still run into a cashier clueless enough
to get away cheaper.  A couple weeks ago I got a beauty of deal - bought a
big ol' bag of anaheims for .89/pound because the cashier rang 'em up as
"green peppers".  Heh.
Dave Sacerdote
Resist or Serve.
"I am so mighty, I do not have to kill you all."  -- Flaming Carrot