[CH] Chile prices

Wed, 10 Feb 1999 08:54:45 -0800

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This summer I discussed the price of habs with the produce manager at Safeway 
(actually, it was more me whining).  The were at $7.99 a pound!  He turned out 
to be a chilehead and said he'd sell me a 5lb box at cost ;) So I waited until 
they were at peak of season and went in and he sold me 5lb's for $8 !!!!!  
Whahoooo!!! We be best friends now.  I went in later and took him some red 
savinas so he'd remember me.

Don Dillon
Hewlett Packard
Microwave Technology Division, MWTC
dondd@sr.hp.com Don_Dillon@hp.com
Telnet: 577-3690  SOCO: x73690 