[CH] Heat vs flavor

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 22:49:23 +0000

Well, chiluns, I have been watching this thread come round again, about
whats hot and whats not, or how hot is hot....but, more to the point,
IMHO, is where does the flavor go when it gets so hot that all one can
taste, is capsaicin....I love peppers, any old which way,big old bells,
stuffed, big long Anaheims fire roasted, and stuffed, nice fat jals,
hopefully at least warm, as poppers, and even habs, eaten raw, which I
do on occasion, just to shock people! But, the beautiful, fruity flavor
of that raw hab, is worth the pain of the heat(if ya get too many seeds
in there too).But, the fact remains, if you cannot taste the rest of the
dish, for the overwhelming heat of too much chile, or the wrong chile
for that dish, then I think you have defeated your purpose in devising
that dish. When I set out to create a new dish, that I have never done
before, I do not go overboard on any spice or herb, until I have tasted
it, and it passes our panel of two. I have been known to goof on a
recipe, when typing it out, but I rarely goof on the actual recipe
itself, and the typos I usually find, and correct....like when I said if
too thick add cornstarch and if too thin add sherry! Anyway, I have
posted a lot of recipes to the list, and most of them are at Robert's
web site...www.PepperFool.com    and I expect he will continue doing
that(Thanks, Robert Lusk, it is a great web site!)  Cheers, Doug in BC,
and a Happy Valentine's Day to one and all....even you, Monica!!