[CH] Curry

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:10:22 +0000

After looking at the recipes that Chet posted, and David Smith's , I
decided that as it is Chinese New year today(year of the Rabbit)that I
would put together a fusion, if you will, of the two cuisines...so I
came up with this...Curry was introduced to west China from Burma, who
knows when, and because the Szechuan Chinese already had chilies from
the Portugese (remember that they colonized Macao}as well as the tomato,
one can find these used in Szechuan cooking for the past 200 years, so I
devised a slightly different curry:
1    lb boneless, skinless chicken breast(this will serve two, double
everything for four)
3    small to medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced
1    baseball sized onion, peeled and chopped, fairly fine
2-3 garlic cloves, peeled, smashed and chopped fine
1    one inch knob of fresh garlic, peeled and chopped fine
1    tbls Madras curry powder
1    tsp garam masala
2    tbls oyster sauce
1    cup chicken stock
3    tbls oil, peanut, and marg mix is my choice
Trim and chop the chicken  into bite sized pieces, and set aside...heat
the oil in a pan large enough to hold everything, and then add the
onion, garlic, and ginger...let this simmer on low for at least 5-10
minutes, and then add the curry powder, stir this around and then let
this simmer for about  fifteen minutes, on very low heat. Throw in the
chicken, which you have cut up  and stir it around, ensuring that it is
all covered with the curry mixture...add half of the chicken stock, and
add the oyster sauce to the remaining stock, and add this to the dish
cooking as it is needed, making sure that it is all added before cooking
time is over.   This should cook for at least an hour on simmer, long
slow cookiing is essential for a good curry...add the chopped
tomatoes...taste for seasoning, add sugar, salt & black frshly ground
pepper.,Let this all reduce down, it should not need a thickener...serve
tt with rice and lentils, kitchri, and steamed broccoli...I think that I
posted kitchri once before, email me if you do not have it...Cheers,
Doug in BC, and gung hey fat choy!