[CH] smoker

Thu, 18 Feb 1999 19:12:03 EST

 Looking into getting a store-bought, unmodified smoker in the next couple

> of weeks.  Anyone have any recommendations?




We have an all in one Brinkman.  Great feature with it is that you can just
use the gas burner on the bottom to cook up cajun and blackened stuff.  It's
very powerful.  They have a web site.  They also have one of the best recipe
books on the market. The Art of Smoke Cooking Cookbook (1994) Written by their
VP of Marketing Milly McDonald.  Also another good reference book is Smoke &
Spice (1994) by Cheryl Alters Jamison and Bill Jamison.  We've been using both
books since they came out and they're terrific.  Usual disclaimers thank you.

As for smoking chiles you should have a new smoker only dedicated to smoking
chiles!  Don't use it for anything else.  This is very important.  I guess a
wood fired one would make the chiles taste better.  But we use a water smoker
(Brinkman again) for roasting/drying chiles and it's smoky enough for us.

There is a National chain called Barbecues Galore that has a huge assortment
of smokers to compare and the prices are quite competitive.  Costco had one
model last year.  It looked ok.

Good luck
