RE: [CH] ISO: Pain Relief

Bloechl, Sharen Rund (
Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:38:18 -0800

don't know about a recipe for one, but there's a couple of different topical
pain-killers that have capsacium<sp?> in them - there's also tiger balm
(heavy eucalyptus that works too

on the other hand - doses of the 'B' vitamins like biotin, etc work wonders
for stiff necks too

Sharen Rund Bloechl

Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems
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> ----------
> From: 	RST G[]
> Reply To: 	RST G
> Sent: 	Tuesday, March 02, 1999 10:02 AM
> To: 	CHILE-HEAD Mailing List
> Subject: 	[CH] ISO: Pain Relief
> Is there a recipe for a topical pain-killer that I can make to cure the
> pain in my neck? Some nights I end up passing out on the livingroom rug
> with my son who doesn't really enjoy sleeping in his bed. When I wake up
> in the morning I have a pain in the right side of my neck. I am getting
> really sick of it and no matter how much massaging I do or how much I
> rub stuff in, nothing seems to help. I thought maybe there was a chile
> pain killer out there that I could make for these situations.
> RisaG In Pain, NJ