RE: [CH] Growing Dundicut Peppers, Heat Rating for Jalapenos/Chipotles

P.M. Dierking (
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 19:53:51 -0600

> Has anybody ever tried growing some of the Dundicut peppers from 
> seed?  The catalog describes them as "The traditional hot pepper of 
> Pakistan, similar in  flavor and appearance to Scotch Bonnet peppers." 

Yup, I've been growing them for a while. They need a longer season than
most to fully mature, but they are delicious and flavorful. I've been
given some pods from someone who bought them at Penzey's, and they are
similar to my strain (I think mine are a bit larger) but they taste
much the same.

There is some controversy as to whether they are a chinense or an annum
species, but I haven't seen definitive data. I've sent some seeds to a guy
in Taiwan who is going to type them, so I guess I'll know for sure by

> Penzeys rates them at about 60,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units).

That sounds about right, though I think they get a little hotter
than that, yet. They kind of remind me of giant chiltepins, with
a honeydew melon aftertaste.

> About 15 seeds were planted a week ago, and so far 1 has 
> sprouted. 

According to my seed diary the first time I grew them, approx 80%
of dundicut seeds will germinate within 28 days. 
Where (a,b) a=number of sprouts emerging, b=days since planting
the distribution for 32 seeds was:

(2,7) (5,8) (1,9) (2,10) (6,12) (1,13) (1,14) (1,15) (4,25) (2,28)

32 seeds produced 25 plants.

Taking that into account, it looks like you are right on schedule.
I sprout all of my pepper seeds at room temp (68-72F). 

> On the topic of heat ratings of different peppers, is there any 
> reason that Chipotles should have a lower heat rating than Jalapenos?  
> Penzeys lists their crushed & powdered Japalenos at 55,000 SHU, 
> while their Chipotles are only listed as 15,000 SHU. 
> I find this hard to believe.

As well you should. It is simply wrong. You know though, I've seen
that 55,000 SHU number quoted before somewhere in the press, no
doubt it has spread like a cancer. The Chileheads Agency for 
the Annihilation of Pepper Misinformation should get right on this...
