[CH] Seed Swap Time

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Tue, 02 Mar 1999 22:23:11 -0500

I thought maybe we could do a seed swap. Since most of the northerners
are starting to plant their seeds indoors, I thought I would give you
want I want and what I have to exchange:

Want				Have to Exchange (not too many peppers)
Chocolate Habs			Poblanos
Cayenne				Jackson Wonder Beans
Thai Dragon			Adzuki Beans
Pickling Cucumbers		Sweet Basil
Bolivian Rainbow Peppers	Giant Sunflowers
				Jacobs Cattle Beans
				Hybrid Cantaloupe, Scoop II
				Mesclun Provencal	
				Sunflower - Chianti
				Sunflower - Autumn Beauty
				Bachelor Buttons - Double Mixed
				Oriental Stir Fry Mix
				Morning Glory - Heavenly Blue
				Zinnia - Giant Double - Mixed Colors

Email me privately if you want to swap anything.
