Re: [CH] Appreciation and anecdote...

Chet Bacon (
Wed, 03 Mar 1999 19:18:01 -0500

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

 Categories: African, Snacks
      Yield: 4 servings

   Salting mixture: 1 lb salt 2 oz sugar 1 oz saltpeter
        pepper and chili spices --
        to taste

  As you travel around East Africa you will see countless Africans
  selling food along the roadsides, in the markets, or through bus and
  train windows. They sell fruit, boiled eggs grilled maize, boiled
  maize, yogurt, milk, soda pop, fried dough balls, samosas, yellow
  buns, and real seasonal delicacies like roasted mice and termites.
  The following are a few East African snack foods you can try.

  "Beef Jerky" is more common in South Africa but still a part of the
  East African diet.  It is generally made from beef, but other game is
  used when available.  Cut strips of meat following the grain of
  muscle. Make strips 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick.  Best made during
  cool dry weather if possible.

  Salt the meat by rubbing the mixture in well and leave in the basin
  of salt mixture overnight.  Dip a cloth in vinegar, wring dry and
  whip the meat well.

  Hang the strips of meat in a cool, dry, well ventilated place until

  You can also hang the meat on an oven rack placed in the top slot of
  the oven.  Dry the meat on low heat.

Smallwood wrote:

> Oh, you are an inspiring group.  Loving the recipes and suggestions.  Where
> else would you find a recipe for 'biltong'?   Enjoy the Digest thoroughly.
> There may be a little unintended pun there...ahem.


* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
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