[CH] a little question...

Sonic Burrito (sonic_burrito@hotmail.com)
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 13:35:40 PST

ok, i have perfected the hot sauce.  now i have customers coming in to 
buy this stuff all the time.  the problem i have is preserving the 
perfect potion.  i have a couple customers in alaska that would like it 
shipped to them, but i am unable to gaurentee that it would make it 
there.  what can i use, besides vinegar, as a preservative and not 
change the flavor?

this hot sauce is a fiery haby sauce.  it very dark and sweet.  your 
aloud 3 or 4 seconds of pleasureable sweetness before the heat kiks in.  
after that its tears for ya!  

can anyone give me a couple suggestions on how i can preserve this 
product so i can ship it?


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