[CH] Epazote

Rosemary Basil (rosemarybasil@yahoo.com)
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 23:15:58 -0800 (PST)

<<I just tried to email you privately and it came back. Hmmm...>>
RosemaryBasil@yahoo.com???? I can't imagine why!
Hey Risa, looking forward to the seeds.
Fellow PEPPERS club member, Steve Black is a cool bluz chiliehead! 
HEY STEVE! :)))))

I hear epazote grows like a weed or is a weed or both. What does it
smell or taste like? What does it look like? Does it get flowers, what
color? guess it's about 4' tall? Geez 
maybe it could be another tourist screen, if it likes my microclimate-
the heat and the loud street music! What, besides beans, is it used
Sorry I didn't take the time to write a note, but the seed packet I
made from a photo of the cayennes on my balcony so you can see what
they look like!  I call em FQ Cayennes cos they have been cultivated
in da French Quarter, Looseiana, USA, they are da REAL thang.
 Where you at, north or south Jersey?  Those cayennes should do
alright up there but I would probably start them indoors soon.  If you
have questions, as we say down here, just ax!

I just wanted to let you know that your epazote seeds went out yesterday
or the day before. I look forward to getting yours.

Epazote seeds are really
, really tiny. I put them in a tiny ziploc bag I
had from my old days when I bought beads mailorder. Plus a little note.
(I didn't have any real stationary so I used what I had).

Can't wait to get your seeds. Look forward to it. Thanks a bunch.


P.S. Anyone out there who wants to swap seeds, email me privately. I
still have some Poblano and other kinds of seeds. I'm looking for
Bolivian Rainbows, Gypsy and Thai Dragon. Steve Black is sending me
Brown Congo (scotch bonnet) so I don't need chocolate habs (since they
are similar, right?). Thanks all who participated in the swap.

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