[CH] Sichuan Ma Po Tofu

Tue, 9 Mar 1999 13:08:20 EST


Often this recipe is made with ground or minced pork.  The name Ma Po Dofu
means "pockmarked mother's beancurd."  The story goes that a woman named
Ch'eng who operated a small beancurd stall on a street corner in Chengdu
centuries ago created this tasty and inexpensive dish.  It is still called
after her.  Most Chinese recipes/dishes have a story as food is such an
important part of the culture.

 For a variation try adding 1 tsp grated fresh ginger and 1/2 tsp Sichuan
peppercorns (Fagara or Sansho) ground.  I really like using the pickled red
peppers (2 to 6+) chopped up instead of the dry flakes and 2 tsp. hot bean
paste instead of the chile sauce.  This is always a safe dish to order when I
am in China!  I have had some interesting surprises like armadillo, duck
tongues, baby birds and I won't even go further.  No matter how many chiles
you put on pork intestines they just don't make it for breakfast!
