[CH] Red Savs in pot

Valerie (seabreeze@concentric.net)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:56:45 -0600

I have a question about repotting my prized Red Sav plants. Last
year was my first time attempting to grow my own chiles, and since
I moved a couple of times, I chose not to put my plants into the 
ground, but put the few surviving Savs  and Jalapenos into 8" pots
and see what happened. Most plants got thier own pot, lack of time
and space in the house forced me to put 5 Red Sav plants into one 
pot. Most didn't survive the winter. The two with 1 plant each are 
doing just OK. The pot with 5 plants is just amazing! I was still 
getting (small) fruit from it thru January, and is now loaded with
flowers. I'd like to transplant this one into a larger pot, but I'm
afraid to disturb these precious blossoms. When is the best time to
repot your indoor peppers? TIA!

Valerie / Breeze

ICQ# 3953329
"the future is no place to place your better days" djm