Re: [CH] Marijuana Packed in Hot Peppers

Chipotle Coyote (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 06:40:28 -0800

At 08:05 AM 3/12/99 +0000, Jim Campbell wrote:
>The hemp oil sauce is from Blair Lazar, who also makes the 'Death
>Sauce'.  While he does buy a lot of chiles from me, he doesn't use them
>in this sauce so I think I'm safe to give a review.  He makes two
>versions of it, one called 'Hot Pot' & the other 'Smokin' Hot Pot'.  The
>latter contains extract so I'm not real fond of it.  The 'Hot Pot'
>though isn't too bad IMHO.  It IS different though! It has a VERY
>'green' taste.  It also doesn't contain any active compounds- something
>I was concerned about as I am subject to periodic testing as a
>firefighter.  Both can be found at his site
Well I work for the USAF. The tests they run do hit positive if one ingests
hemp oil.
So if you uses these sauces and get the big piss test, I suggest you check
what kind of testing on your pee is done!
 Crazy Coyote - Howlin' for Habaneros                  				    
"The key to my lyrics is imagination. The rest is painted with a little
Science-Fiction" -Jimi Hendrix

Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real or F**k Everything And Run.