[CH] Smoked Chili

Harold Eddleman Ph.D. (indbio@disknet.com)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:12:05 -0800

I just joined this list.
  I am a plant breeder working with corn, strawberries, and thornless
blackberry. I also work with plant viruses.
  How does one avoid cross pollination when growing several cultivars of
peppers? My method for corn was to use pooled pollen off other plants of
the same line. Are peppers normally self pollinated?
  I am impressed with the many cultivars of peppers as I have had a long
time interest in the origin of food crops. I can trade a vine cutting of
my virus-free Beauregard sweetpotato for three or more seeds of each of
3 or more different peppers. I would like to have a demo plot of various
peppers. Actually, I like the sweet (not fiery) peppers best and would
like seed of those types even more. Please e-mail me first to reduce
  I will send the sweetpotato vine cutting in a first class envelope.  
  I work with plant viruses. This clone of Beauregard is virus free and
of outstanding conformation and production. In field tests by North
Carolina State University this close produced 3 times as many #1 roots
as the best NC Certified plants. I will eventually get all this on my
web site. Those studies were repeated 4 years. 
  Farmers get about one bushel per vine cutting purchased from me. They
cut some of the early vines and plant them. One does not want roots on
sweetpotato plants. See my webpages someday for the disease control
  I am not familiar with smoking Chili; is it for flavor only or a
method of preservation for winter. I have lots of experience curing and
smoking hams. It chili smoking done similiarly. Does the smoking reduce
the hot bite?  
Harold Eddleman Ph.D. Microbiologist.       mailto:indbio@disknet.com 
Location: Palmyra IN USA; 36 kilometers west of Louisville, Kentucky
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