[CH] seeds

Byron.Bromley (Byron.Bromley@Gsd-Co.Com)
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:49:19 -0500

Since Dave Anderson posted his 1/2 of what I thought was a
non-posted conversation. I think in fairness I should post the 
essence on my 1/2

Ist Thing I want to calarify is my 120 to 150 day plant is a Chiltipin
not Hab. 75 Day habs "Works for me" 105 day does not.
I plant out around June 10th first frost expected, Sept 10th

There are a lot of varities I would like to try, but most cottage seed
suppliers do not publish growing times. After too many problems, I 
 stopped buying seeds that are not specified. 

My statement about seed catalogs specifying time and plant habit.
I live in the Northeast I buy most of my seeds from Vessy's
Johnny's or Stokes because most of their seeds are acclimated
for a shorter growing season

I also said that I bought seeds from Totally Tomatoes that had 3
seed borne diseases, and that my County Agent confirmed this.
He said that County agents might not be knowlegeable to tell.
My particular County Agent is in line for the next Director of Plant
Sciences at UNH. Common sense tells me that this person
has to know more than the average CH about plants.
Dave tells me buys some seeds from Totally Tomatoes.
and never had a problem. Lucky for him

For me because of seed borne diseases I have 3 choices
1. Forget growing peppers for 3 years
2. Hope like hell that Jerry Bakers chlorine soil treatment works
3. Spend every daylight hour, for 6 weeks digging in granite rocks,
   removing all them down to a depth of about 2 ft, Sifting out 3 to 
   5 yards of rocks So that I can plant 5 gal pots, Purchase 120/ 5 
   gal pots and 3 yards of loam and pay for a 10 yard delivery fee. 

I for one am a very MF unhappy camper with their seeds. If you were
in my shoes, I think you would be too.
