[CH] Chile oil +

Steve (snearman@erols.com)
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 16:17:28 -0500

{ Exported from MasterCook Mac }

 Uncle Steve's HOT Oil

Recipe By:	Steve Nearman
Serving Size:	1
Preparation Time:	0:45
Categories:	Hot & Spicy	 Uncle Steve's	Hot Sauce

Amount	Measure	Ingredient	Preparation Method
3	cups	peanut oil
1	cup	sesame oil
5	cloves	garlic
2	tablespoons	smoked-dried Habanero powder
		or 4 tbs. crushed Chipolte
4	tablespoons	rosemary leaves

Place oils in a small sauce pan over warm over low heat.

Add remaining ingredients, simmer and stir for 15 minutes. Do not over heat
oil! If finished product is very dark, you over heated the oil.

Remove from heat and let cool.

Filter oil through a milk or coffee filter into an old wine bottle. This takes
a little time. We use a filter lined funnel and add more when funnel has
emptied. If the process is taking what seams as forever, replace the filter
with a new one. Try not to pour any sediment into the filter until the end. Let
sediment sit in filter and drip out over night.

For extra flavor and beauty add a clove or two of garlic (cut in half) and a
large sprig of rosemary into the bottle. (This acts as a reminder to help
identify what is in the bottle) Can be used immediately, but better after a few
weeks. Refrigeration not required.

Check out our web site for other HOT recipes:

Notes:	This oil is a little different than store bought hot oil. It has a lot
of flavor! Store bought is used to add heat with out disturbing the flavor of
the dish to much.

Serving Ideas:	Drizzle over any potato or rice dish to add flavor & heat.


    Uncle Steve's HOT Stuff - Come play the "Chile Game"