[CH] pH meters

Byron.Bromley (Byron.Bromley@Gsd-Co.Com)
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 09:17:59 -0500


I read his statement as It didn't matter, what the pH was.
and that + or -2 was close enough

1 lb of wood ash = 10 lb of lime for soil pH adjustment. One of the
big reasons to own a pH meter. Too many people just throw lime or
wood ash on the garden without measuring first and wind up with
soils so sour you can't grow a thing.. If your soil is somewhere
near the right pH 1 lb of wood ash per 500 sq ft is enough. 
    Been there-done that.

It appears that you and Mr Begg work in a place that supplies these
tools for you. These tools maybe needed for the nth degree of
accuracy for research work, but totally impracticle for the home gardener.
A .01 is not needed for the home gardener, I doubt if 90% on the list
would want to spend the time needed to calibrate the instruments you are
using. I surely don't want to waste the time. On a cheap meter where the 
scales are in 1 point spread I can interpolate + or - 0.1. I can not
interpolate a pH paper within the needed range.

I try to follow an old Eastman Kodak policy K.I.S.S.
Keep It Simple Stupid.
The simpler it is the less likely it is to make stupid mistakes.

There is a reason for the soil pH of 6.75 being ideal, for peppers,
 When the pH gets below 6 the plants cannot absorb
calcium and phosphorus, and above 7 it has trouble absorbing the minor

Here is a listing from the data sheet packed with a $20 pH meter

Below a pH of 6 nutrients less available to a plant are

When the soil pH gets above 7 Nutrients less available to the plant

One of the big reasons to hold a pH 6.5 for Peppers is that the ability
to use phosphorus drops over 75% between a pH 6.5 and pH 6.0 
The fall off starts at 6.5.
Peppers need a lot of phosphorous.

Personaly I try to hold my soil pH for peppers around 6.75, allows
a little leaching leaway.

Where as your potatoes and Blackberries like a pH of 5.5

Your sand experiment is more proof of why to get more organic stuff
in your soil, and that nutrients leach out of sandy soils more rapidly
than any other soil.
