[CH] tried and tested recipe

A. Bucsics (bucsics@ping.at)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 21:05:03 +0200

We had this for dinner and my very critical mate said he liked it, so
here goes...

chicken breasts mediterranee (serves 2)

2 tbs. flour
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp dried rosemary
1/4 tsp. dried chile powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 chicken breasts
2 dashes habanero powder (go easy, the point is to make it taste
interesting but not really hot. It probably tastes good when you turn up
the heat, but I haven't tried it - my s.o. gets the hiccups when the
food is too hot.)
1 tablespoon capers
1 dozen black olives, pitted
6 dried tomatoes, cut in 1 cmx 1 cm pieces)
1 cup chicken stock

Mix first 6 ingredients, dredge chicken beasts in the mixture and cook
them in the hot olive oil until golden. Add chicken stock, olives (cut
in half), capers and dried tomatoes (If they're really dry, soak them in
the chicken stock first, which is what I did).

Add habanero powder and cook until the meat is done, about 15 minutes.
The sauce should reduce to a syrupy consistency, so cover or add some
water as necessary. I served it with spinach and feta strudel and
chardonnay, but baguette and some other vegetables would probably be ok.
Acknowledgements to Roger Verge and Paul Proudhomme.