Re: [CH] Aphids HELP!!!!

Calvin Donaghey (
Sat, 03 Apr 1999 15:16:05 -0600

Whatever you end up using, add a few garlic gelcaps to the mix (dissolved, of
course) and the little varmits won't be so eager to come back.  I have a friend
who boils a quart of water with a  package of unsweetened chewing tobacco
shredded up in it in a coffee can and adds the water to his soap mix.  I have
used it when I had a bad infestation of mites, and although it didn't completely
stop the mites, it did stop the aphids (smells like burned hairballs, though).
It sounds as if your plants may be young, in which case I recommend washing them
off by hand with mild soap mix.  If the soap is too concentrated, the sun might
burn young plants.
Good Luck.
Calvin wrote:

>  Help!!! I need to find someway to get rid of aphids on my new pepper
> plants!!! I know about buying insecticidal soaps...... anyone have any
> homemade recipes that work!????? Please let me know~ the little buggars are
> enjoying themselves at my expense... I took the sprayer and tried to wash off
> those that I could.....Calling on all veteran experienced  aphid killers!!!
> HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!! Debra~